That Time I Met an Energy Vampire

I’m the type of person who likes to be open to the possibilities of existence. That is kind of a vague statement. What I mean is, if you tell me something that sounds completely off the wall, but you tell me with sincerity and conviction, I will believe you. I may be skeptical, but IContinue reading “That Time I Met an Energy Vampire”

A Reminder: Your Inner Child Needs a Hug

I’ve been dealing with some anxiety lately, and I easily waved it off and blamed it on being worried about my family or THE NEWS… And when I say I have been dealing with anxiety, this is what it looks like – it’s hyper-fixating and staring at the physical things that are making me insecure,Continue reading “A Reminder: Your Inner Child Needs a Hug”

The Rage II

I am full of anger. I am full of despair. Fear. Hopelessness. Frustration and a sort of…. powerlessness. Like my hands are tied behind my back and I’m just screaming but no one can hear me. Obviously this has been a really shitty week in a really shitty several years in America. I am desperatelyContinue reading “The Rage II”

The Pandemic Diaries: Milestones

As I sit here with a heavy sadness on my heart, I guess I just have to write it out. And ride it out. I woke up today, forced myself to sleep in (I even turned my alarm off and *still* woke up at 6:59 am) and my day started like any of my daysContinue reading “The Pandemic Diaries: Milestones”

The Pandemic Diaries: January 6th, 2021

What a year this week has been, right? I think there are many of us that knew yesterday was going to be rough, but I wasn’t mentally prepared. I don’t think anyone could have been for what transpired yesterday. I liken my insides (my emotions, not to be confused with my intestines) to feeling likeContinue reading “The Pandemic Diaries: January 6th, 2021”

The Pandemic Diaries VI

As of this post, the world has surpassed 1 million dead from COVID-19. The United States leads with 205,000 deaths. We all know that both of those numbers are underrepresented. Mr. Trump’s tax returns were leaked by the New York Times showing us what we already know. He’s a fraud and he paid less taxesContinue reading “The Pandemic Diaries VI”

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